India is in serious need of basic medical attention. 80% of India's population has no form of health care. In order to combat this issue we will create clinics to provide free check ups with volunteer doctors. Also, we will use donations to create eye clinics to treat the 20 million people that suffer from Cataracts.
Most children must go to school without paper, pencils, or even books. Making it nearly impossible for them to learn because they are at a serious disadvantage. However, with donations we can buy these children all of the basic learning supplies these children need and deserve. Please help change their futures
More than 70% India's water supplies in rural areas are contaminated with toxic bacteria. These bacteria cause terrible diseases such as Cholera, Diarrhoeal, Malaria, Typhoid, and Filariasis which will lead to the death of 600,000 children annually. We will use donations to provide villages with water purification systems.
212 million people are chronically hungry in India, and 5 million of these people will die from hunger. These people suffer from real poverty 836 million have a income of 40 cents a day or less. Also, 1 dollar (65 rupees) is equivalent to one meal, so even a small donation can provide relief for people who are dying of hunger.