Maintaining healthy, happy environments is an important, and often neglected part of aid work. We work with local community organizers closely.
To do great work, you need tools. While blood, sweat and tears have built empires, classrooms still need paper and pencils.
“Water is the driving force of all nature” Leonardo da Vinci Without water nothing can grow or even live so it is our humanitarian duty to provide those in need.
Empty stomachs hurt. They break concentration and make the future seem impossible. Giving food is essential to creating health.
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My charities mission is to provide relief for poverty stricken people in India. We will be providing relief in the forms such as, clean water, food, and medical assistance. My charity will begin its efforts in the northern part of India specifically in the areas of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Punjab. I have chosen these areas because they are some of the most poverty stricken areas of India. Also, my family is from that area of India, and I have witnessed the horrors that accompany a rapidly developing country My charity will teach efficient methods of purifying water, along with providing water purifiers for long-term use. Also we will be serving meals at soup kitchens for the hungry. Finally, we are going to set up camps to help people that need medical assistance and cannot afford it. We will find charities that have doctors that are willing to help achieve our mission to change lives. Our mission is only feasible with the help of supporters that are willing to support our mission. We understand that not everyone can go to India and make a difference, but with your support in donations we promise that we will go to India and make that difference.
Where there are people in need, we’ll be there lending a hand, a smile, and an encouraging word.